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Empowering Go-Getters & entrepreneurs to take control of their life and redesign their reality through healing and self-development

I teach you to shift your mindset, break up with your past, and find the message in your mess.


Are you ready to lay the groundwork for your transformation? Allow me to be your GPS and lead the way. Sign up for my mailing list and start by receiving Jen’s weekly jewels of inspiration and motivation as well as free tools and trainings to start laying the foundation for a clearer, confident and more self aware you!

Sign up today to become a mover and get connected! Let’s get moving!

Have you been feeling unfulfilled? Going through the motions day in and out? Are you tired of wishing for something awesome to happen and ready to do something about it? Are you ready to level up?

It starts with YOU! Believing in yourself, investing in yourself, showing up regardless of your current circumstances.

Maybe you’ve just gotten out of a long term relationship and now your normal routine has been shot? Perhaps you and your job have come to an impasse and it’s time to move on? Maybe you are afraid to get started on that business idea because you don’t think it’s the right time?

Truth is, there never really is a right time. The hardest part is getting started.

Hesitant with how to proceed?

Let me assist you in identifying your tired old stories and beliefs. Together we can crush them so you can create new ones that are in alignment with who you are and what you truly want. I will support, encourage and hold you accountable on your mission. Time to shift your mindset and rediscover who you are! You are complete on your own - all you need is yours truly to help guide you find the message in your mess.


How to connect to your GPS…

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1:1 Coaching / Group Coaching

Whether you need a GPS for your whole mission or just to get you started on route to your destination, I offer two different coaching experiences designed to provide you with the support, accountability & clarity needed to lead you to new levels of success.

Together we will work to face those fears, crush those limiting beliefs and learn to reframe our stories in order to see the silver lining in life’s obstacles.

They call me the “Bullshit bulldozer” because I tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear in order to provide transformational coaching that gets results!

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Whether you’re looking for a guest speaker or to run a facilitated discussion, I can customize to your group size and desired goal. From intimate discussions with your core team to inspiring large groups, I’m excited to work with teams and individuals that are ready to excel in life! We can set the tone towards a common goal and set out to reach our destination- together. Allow me to help you set the navigation for your group’s mission and book me to speak today.

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Mind On A Mission: The Power Of Healing What Was and Stepping into What Could Be, is an easy-to-digest look at how I was able to draw wisdom and strength from a string of major life changes to find the “message in my mess”. Be sure to click the button below to purchase and ride shotgun on my mission.

Jen bluntly and beautifully keeps it real when discussing some of the major curveballs life can throw your way using relatable scenarios. More than that, she reveals the specific practical approach that helped her move past them. Half memoir, half self help - not only will it entertain you but it will layout tangible tips you can begin to apply in your everyday life. It will provide you with the strength to begin your healing process as well as inspiration that will equip you to live courageously, confident and ready to conquer your mission.

I am committed to educating and empowering my clients to use the power of healing to birth new successes. I teach them to shift their mindset, break up with their past, and find the message in their mess. I help them move forward in a direction that promotes freedom, balance, and peace of mind.

I remember feeling miserable, confused, and anxious. I was struggling with depression, feeling hopeless, lost. I felt like I didn’t know who I was anymore. One day I decided enough was enough. I was tired of being unhappy and was determined to do something about it. I made a decision to let my breakdown become my breakthrough. I had enough of riding shotgun in my own life. I was ready to get in the driver’s seat and take control. I wasn’t sure exactly how but I knew it had to start with making a decision - I had to get started and go from there. It might not feel like it now but trust and believe, a transformation is possible. Still not convinced?

In 2019, I learned to deal and heal with the loss of a 5+ year relationship with my significant other which caused a ripple effect in my personal and professional life. Then a year later my job of nearly a decade split with me too. Trust me, both events left me distraught and asking myself, “Who am I without _______?” But rest assured, if I was able to get my shit together so are you.

Together we can work on shifting your mindset and rediscovering you. The stronger the foundation the better and greater the person you can become. We can establish your personal values and goals while working through those limiting beliefs that foster feelings of fear & doubt. You just have to make the decision to get started and commit to trust the process. No matter how it may appear at the moment, “There’s a Message in Your Mess™️” and I can help you find it. Let me show you how, book a call below and let’s get connected.

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Meet Your Coach

Jen Abans is a speaker and life coach who specializes in helping her clients shift their mindset and rediscover who they are after losing themselves. At home, work or in our interpersonal relationships, it’s easy to lose ourselves. We get so caught up with being part of an ensemble that we forget that we are the main character in the story of our lives. Whether it’s dealing with a breakup, leaving a job, changing careers or losing your support system, Jen can help you get back on track and rediscover who you are. She serves as the GPS for her client's mission towards growth and fulfillment by helping them create a roadmap for their transformation and providing tools to assist them in changing their mindset.

Jen founded Mind On A Mission in 2017 with the intention of providing private coaching to individuals ready to shift their mindset in order to obtain new levels of success. They were determined to make it happen and were ready to take action. Affectionately called, the “Bullshit Bulldozer”, Jen’s loving yet no-nonsense approach will help you uncover the message in your mess. Equipping you with tools and strategies to help you on your journey, she assists her clients in setting realistic goals by getting to the heart of their mission.

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Mindset Setting the Stage
Video Training

Transformation happens when you are ready to live authentically, do the work and level up. However before you get started on your mission, you need a clear starting point and a clear destination. This free video training will help you gain clarity not only on where you are but where you are looking to go.


Join the Mind On A Mission FB Group

Join the MOAM Facebook community to meet other like minded and purpose driven peeps and to stay up to date on all things Mind On A Mission. Be sure to turn on your notifications to catch my weekly live streams on Wednesday 8pm est. Are you ready to get moving?

My First Book

Sign Up to receive my intro for FREE.

Mind On A Mission: The Power Of Healing What Was and Stepping into What Could Be, is an easy-to-digest look at how Jen was able to draw wisdom and strength from a string of major life changes to find the “message in her mess”. Sign up to gain access to the book’s introduction. (11).jpg

Jen’s First Book

Mind On A Mission: The Power Of Healing What Was and Stepping into What Could Be, is an easy-to-digest look at how Jen was able to draw wisdom and strength from a string of major life changes to find the “message in her mess”.

Jen bluntly and beautifully keeps it real when discussing some of the relatable curveballs life threw her way both personally and professionally in 2019. More than that, she reveals the specific practical approach that helped her move past them. 

In this entertaining yet inspiring personal account, you will learn how she took her devastating breakup and turned it into the catalyst for her transformation. It will provide you with the strength to begin your healing process as well as inspiration that will equip you to live courageously, confident and ready to conquer your mission.

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What people are saying…

I truly love what I do but don’t just take my word for it. Here are some of my success stories

“Working with Jen has been an absolute pleasure! Jen was courteous, kind and professional always following through on exactly what she said she would. Her guidance and advice did not come from an attitude of 'you should do this', but rather her own personal experience which made her very relatable and easy to talk to. I felt motivated, taken care of and looked forward to our sessions each week. I would highly recommend Jen to anyone who is looking to turn the steering wheel on a certain path of their life, rewriting their story!!”

-Boc Amazzo

“Talking to Jen is like talking to your best friend -- except the focus is entirely on you and you don’t have to mumble half-hearted support about her weird boss and stupid cat when you just want to talk about yourself! Jen just gets to the heart of what you’re saying and she knows exactly what to reflect back to you; she pulls nuggets of wisdom from her own experiences and helps guide the conversation by using the lessons she’s learned along the way to help you in your journey. My favorite part about Jen is the magic that surrounds her (we even pulled the same Goddess Card for myself almost at the same time) that is then transferred to you. She won’t bullshit you, she’ll tell it like it is, but it comes from a deep soulful well.”

- Angelica Ross

While Jen isn’t a therapist, she is certainly there to dedicate an hour a week for you and your goals. While having a full time job, my own personal goals are often put on the back burner. Jen helped me refocus myself and priorities so they were on my radar. I began working on them once again. She was not only getting me working on them by helping me set realistic goals, but she relit my passion for them. During the program, Jen was remarkably supportive and it not only felt like talking to a friend, but talking to someone who actually cared and wanted me to succeed since she is building you up with encouragement and empowerment. That is a rare quality to find. Jen is a genuine person and a phenomenal life coach. Everyone needs to take some time to refocus on what is important to them and their goals and Jen with Mind on a Mission is a great place to do that! I would highly recommend her.
-Amber Sass


Start Planning Your Mission!

It is totally normal to be fearful of the unknown and sometimes you feel better equipped with someone walking you through the process. You may feel stressed and overwhelmed because you truly don’t know where to begin.Whether you need a GPS for your whole mission or just to get you started on route to your destination will work to face those fears, crush those limiting beliefs and create a clear, focused, strategic plan of action towards helping you reach your goals. I have been where you are - lost, stuck, scared. In 2019, I learned to deal & heal with the loss of a long term relationship. A year later, my job broke up with me. Rest assured, if I was able to get my shit together so are you. Together we can “Find the Message in your Mess™️” and get you back on track.

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Yes I want to begin to receive doses of inspiration & advice as well as the loving yet “tell it like it is” bullshit bulldozing from Jen


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